Why choose MEGA S4?
MEGA S4 has been designed with developers in mind. Whether you’re running a home lab or managing a growing business, our user-friendly interface enables you to manage your storage easily.
Object storage
Enjoy flexible object storage at a competitive price. No confusing tiers, no extra fees for data transfers or API calls—just a secure, simple, storage service you can trust.
MEGA S4 has been designed with developers in mind. Whether you’re running a home lab or managing a growing business, our user-friendly interface enables you to manage your storage easily.
추가 TB당 €2.50로 커짐에 따라 지불하세요. 이것은 다른 하이퍼스케일 클라우드 제공자들에 비해 저렴한 가격으로 제공됩니다.
우리는 당신이 당신의 데이터를 요금에 대한 걱정 없이 자유롭게 이동할 수 있도록 5배의 이그레스를 무료로 제공합니다.*
5배 이그레스에 공정 이용 규칙이 적용됩니다
우리의 S3 호환 API가 당신이 접근이 필요로 하는 곳에서 당신의 데이터를 통합할 수 있도록 해줍니다
우리의 전세계 데이터 센터에 걸쳐 있는 당신의 데이터에 빛처럼 빠른 속도로 접근하세요.
우리는 연간 안정성 99.999999999%(9 11개)수준으로 손실이나 오염으로부터 당신의 데이터를 보호할 수 있는 기술이 있습니다.
With MEGA, your data is encrypted server-side by default. We’ve never had a data breach, ever.
추가 요금 없이 당신의 MEGA 계정에서 필요한 모든 것에 대한 24/7 지원을 받으세요.
우리의 증가하는 지원되는 제3자 소프트웨어 제공자와 함께 당신이 원하는대로 당신의 데이터를 이용하세요.
Everything you need in a secure and simple, storage service.
Regularly back up large volumes of data to prevent data loss so you can recover fast.
Set and forget data you don’t need frequent access to, for an affordable price.
Infinitely scale your storage to support your security at your home or business to keep costs down.
Store and access large designs, photos, videos, and other media files you need as your technology needs evolve. Perfect for 8K and larger media.
High-performance storage that’s ideal for growing AI/ML workloads. Train models without the huge cost of storage holding you back.
Pro Flexi, now with MEGA S4, offers unrivalled value with flexible, pay-as-you-grow pricing. Whether you’re just starting with 3 TB or need to scale to petabytes, our pricing adapts to your needs. Try our Pro Flexi calculator to see how much you will save each year when you move to MEGA.
Please note that the transfer quota in the calculator is only for cloud storage. MEGA offers up to 5x egress each month.
Starting from
%2 per month^{quotaAmount} of base storage and transfer
Additional storage and transfer charged at %s* per TB. Price includes both storage and transfer.
Learn more about our Pro Flexi plan
관심 등록Includes
*Estimated price in your local currency. Your account will be billed in euros for all transactions.
예상 합계
*Estimated price in your local currency. Your account will be billed in euros for all transactions.
Fill in the form and we will be in touch about how to sign up for MEGA S4.
곧 이메일로 새 소식을 보내드리겠습니다. 이메일 수신함을 지켜보세요.